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I am proud to endorse Andrei for city Council. Over the last several years, I have been impressed with his many activities that benefit the city and its residents,, especially his work with the chamber of commerce and the Fourth of July commission. — MICHAEL HARRIS
Andrei Obolenskiy is a dedicated resident of the Pleasant Hill community. He has shown tremendous Pleasant Hill 'spirit' by doing the one thing we all should strive for more of: getting involved! His volunteer work with the Chamber of Commerce, the 4th of July Commission, the Rotary Club of Pleasant Hill, and many many others shows his tremendous passion for the city he lives in. He would be an excellent choice for City Council. — Mike Maxwell
President, Contra Costa County Board of Education
I've known Andrei for 15 years and have enjoyed watching his career blossom and family grow. I met him when he was a service representative at Main St. Auto Repair, full of energy and a strong desire to get better every day. He put himself through graduate school at St. Mary's while working and taking care of his family and now OWNS the shop where he worked. He knows and understands and supports small business! During the pandemic, Andrei reached out to other businesses near his to help them get through the shutdowns. This man needs to be on our City Council! — Craig Howard
Business Owner - Diablo CrossFit
I have had a working relationship with Andrei for a number of years. I have found him to be very insightful and candid with his vision. He is very knowledgeable and creative in the way he solves problems. His action oriented style is both appreciated and admired. He is truly a leader in all he does. I highly endorse him to be the community leader we all deserve. — Darren Merritt
Principal Boardwalk Investment Group, Inc.
I have known Andrei for over 10 years and have done business with him for that period of time as well. I have found him to be a very smart and honest person! I have enjoyed all of my dealings with him as well. I know he has all of the fine qualities for any leadership role! I would urge anyone to vote for him. — Albert DeMartini
Executive Vice President Colliers
In the 15 years that I have known Andrei, he has always shown his intelligence, dedication to his career and to his family, and has always been interested in his community. He understands hard work. He can be counted on to make decisions only after hearing multiple points of view. He has all the qualities you want to be a great member of the city council. — Lawrence Hutchings
Andrei is a great person, a better friend, and a successful business owner. Anytime he is faced with adversity he handles it head-on and overcomes the obstacles. He’s one of those people out there that actually truly cares about others and I’m proud to call him a friend of mine. — Jim Kenney
VP Finance

Citizens for Andrei Obolenskiy for City Council FPPC#1452282
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